始記文化是一間行銷顧問公司,”Thistory” 在中文稱作「始記」,音近於孫子兵法當中的一個章節-「始計」,這個章節的主要內容是告訴人們,想要達成任何目標,必須要經過非常嚴謹細緻的策略,才能得到最好的結果,這就是始記文化想要傳達給人們的理念。
Thistory Media Group is a marketing agency. The name “Thistory” in Chinese is “始記”, which is sounds like “始計”. “始計” is a chapter in “The Art of War”. The main idea of “始計” is telling people that every goal that you want to get must proceed a careful and detailed planning, then you’ll get the best result.

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